カバークロップのライ麦を植えるのは、収穫と同じくらい大切です。 カバークロップにライ麦を植えた後に大豆を植えると、5-10ブッシェル収量が向上します。
47.22エーカーを収穫して11,024ブッシェル取れたので、計算すると平均収量は233ブッシェルです。 そして昨日収穫した畑はセンチュリーコーン(収量でハンデがある)ですが、まだ収穫は半分終えたところです。
畑がぬかるんでいるので、畑に轍を作ってしまいました。 近所でも農機具が泥に足を取られてスタックしています。
農家は前向きですが、2019年、農家は大豆の植え付け面積を減らすでしょう。 トランプ大統領は、中国が米国産大豆に掛けた輸入関税の影響で農家が被った損失を補填していますが、農家が欲しいのは貿易であって、補助金ではありません。
中国と日本で発生した豚コレラの影響で、米国の養豚農家は輸出が増えるのではないかと盛り上がっています。一方、大豆を作る私のような農家は、中国と日本で穀物と大豆粕の需要が減るのではないかと心配になります。 牛の肥育と精肉と牛肉業界は、どこも儲かっています。
(ケントさんのセンチュリーコーンも豊作で品質も良さそうです。 ケントさんがカバークロップを使い始めた11年前は、殆ど知られていませんでしたが、今では、カバークロップが広まり、冬の景色が一変しました。)
とうもろこしの後に撒かれたライ麦。 根元にちらちらと見える緑色がライ麦です。まだ小さいです。
畑に轍が出来て水が溜まっています。 収量が下がるので農家は畑が踏み固められるの嫌います。
Corn in Western Illinois is the highest yielding crop ever! Many of our neighbors that do not have livestock have completed harvest. The Lock’s have ~ a weeks worth of harvest to complete. Rain has delayed us 3 times this fall for about a week each rain event. Planting cereal rye as a cover crop has become almost as important as harvest. We see a 5 – 10 bushel per acre increase in soybean yield when soybeans follow a cover crop of rye. The following year when non GMO corn follows the soybeans we see a 10 bushel per acre increase in corn yield. I first started planting rye 11 years ago and had no idea or expectation that rye would become such an important component of raising corn, especially Century Corn.
The rye shown in the picture was spread on top of the ground after the corn was harvested. Corn is standing pretty well even though we have had a wind strong enough to blow over one of my empty grain wagons. Corn is so high yielding I had to borrow a red tractor from my neighbor to help the John Deeres haul it away from the field. Do the math; 11, 024 bushels / 47.22 acres = 233 bushel per acre average…and the field is only half harvested. This field we harvested yesterday is Century Corn. This year due to logistics (logistics = factors including bin space, Chinese import tariff on soybeans, moisture on early harvest corn, high soybean yields, my truck driver retiring, etc) we did not harvest Century Corn first. We are harvesting Century Corn now, quality is excellent; moisture at harvest 15%, test weight 60#. Yipee 🙂 !
We have been cutting some ruts in fields due to muddy conditions. Many pieces of harvest equipment have been stuck in the mud in our neighborhood. My comments & actions regarding cover crop tell you that 2019 crop is already on my mind…ruts in muddy fields are not good for the 2019 crop.
Farmer mood is good. Farmers are likely to plant fewer acres of soybeans in 2019. President Trump has a program to reimburse farmers for lost revenue from soybean prices due to the Chinese tariffs. US farmers want “trade” not “aid”.
Swine fever in China & Japan has the US hog farmers excited about the possibility of more US export demand. Swine fever has soybean growers like myself worried about grain & protein meal demand in Japan & China. Cattle & boxed beef prices are profitable for all sectors of the beef industry.